The Minimalism Movement

Having less is having more. We see more when we see less. Being simple and having simple things can still bring much depth and meaning. The minimalism movement has profoundly sprouted in such unfortunate pandemic times, paving the way to questioning how we live. It is time that we embrace this so-called minimalism. Though we might work with less, we can always get creative.

Minimalism can be a way of living when we consciously consume. Minimalism can also be an art form in how we want to express things and ideas. Being a minimalist entails holding greater value in yourself than in material things and the glitz and glam of life. What mainstream society idealizes in having more possessions lead to greater happiness is falsified by the intentions of minimalism. One can still be happy and complete by making decisions based on their needs. Don’t be fooled, having a minimal lifestyle does not equate to have a cheap lifestyle.

Stuttgart Library

A simple-minded nature can acquaint with a purpose-driven life.

Simplicity, clarity, singleness: These are the attributes that give our lives power and vividness and joy as they are also the marks of great art.

Richard Holloway

Feed into the simple pleasures.

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