I Did Spiritual Response Therapy – Was It Worth It?


Most of us wake up to days brimmed with activities, meetings and work while trying to squeeze in time for friends, family and that itty bitty space left for me time. Talk about work-life balance! How we respond to daily interactions differ. We do so in ways that speak to us, but do you ever question why you react or behave the way you do?

What do you do upon first sign of a headache? Is your jawline feeling clenched more often than not? Do you find yourself stuck when certain situations arise? Self-sabotaging? Notice heavy breathing and hot flashes? On most occasions, we probably have our doctor on speed dial, pop Panadol or drown our sorrows in the hazy effects of alcohol. If the past two years has taught us anything though, it’s to slow down and listen to our mind and body. This is where we turn to alternative, and perhaps some may say, spiritual, forms of healing. They allow us to be grounded and cognizant of where each pain is rooted in.

Say hello to SRT, a.k.a. Spiritual Response Therapy. We live in a universe that runs on energy – our thoughts are energy, our beliefs are energy, we’re just a vibe. SRT dives deep into the subconscious realm to find and clear negative energies and blockages. It’s something new to me as I write this, but has been on my radar for some time. In my internal world of chaos from mishaps and future thinking into the unknowns, I took it upon me to try this. I’ve embarked on a self-love and self-care journey as someone once told me, we can’t be anything for anyone or give it our best shot unless we’re something for ourselves first. I’m hoping with SRT, I walk out on a clean slate and “cleared.”

I walked into a room greeted by this friendly lady who had her charts and pendulum ready. She asked if I was religious or spiritual first, briefly explaining what SRT entails. She also asked if I had any specific concerns in areas of my life that I’ve been dealing with before beginning the hour long clearing.

She swung a crystal pendulum over a series of charts that have various descriptions and pain points to explain the root cause of our negative energies. Her higher self tapped into my higher self. She did an overall clearing before diving into the specifics. What’s interesting is that SRT goes into your past lives (for believers and non-believers, take what you will with the information you receive). Sometimes what happened in those lifetimes carry forward into lifetimes ahead as we’re on this soul journey. Basically, what’s carried forward can be thought of as residual energy. This explains, for instance, why we feel guilt, fear or stuck when it comes to different aspects of our lives, like in relationship dynamics, career progression or even swimming in the ocean.

For me, a big focus was on my relationships – friendships and romantic counterparts. I’ve had a string of connections with people that fell apart or just never gelled, and I wanted to get to the bottom of this. Long story short, Selena Gomez’s “Lose You to Love Me” couldn’t be more fitting. The biggest lesson that came from all of this was understanding who I am, building solid boundaries, knowing my worth, and most of all, SELF-LOVE (when the practitioner swung her crystal pendulum to assess how much self-love I had, it was at a 15%…oi!)! She shed light to why I feel the way I do and offered tips to get me out of a slump. It’s also noteworthy to mention that not all is lost when a connection you had with someone dissolves – it’s all part of our growth.

The key takeaway from SRT is to have a better grasp of your mind, body and spirit. It’s to trust your intuition and let it guide you. If you’re feeling a certain way, embrace it but also get to the root of the issue. For those of you wondering, there’s nothing quite voodoo about this process, at least it didn’t feel like it. As the practitioner was clearing blocks and negative energies, I felt a wave of fatigue cloud over me. But once the session concluded, my mind felt zen, like I was in a bubble that couldn’t be poked. Through the experiences that were to be had in the past few years, I’d like to say my EQ boosted. With SRT alone, I have clarity and confidence that I’m on the right path moving forward towards happiness. And to get to my destination, I’ll be busy loving myself first.

So, is it worth it? Absolutely, yes. 

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